Mar 11, 2014 | Patrick Watson | 927 views
Lambeth Tournament
IT'S GAME DAY.....ARE YOU READY!!!! NOT JUST ONE GAME BUT 4....ARE YOU SURE YOU'RE READY.......What a day we had today!!!.........
In the final week of our hockey season we saw some of the best plays we have ever seen from our team today. The passing plays by a number of different players were simply amazing and very enjoyable to watch. We had some kids step up and play like they have never played before. Bryce Carruthers and Morgan Butlin play liked maniacs today, both scored near hat tricks with their 3rd goals each being waved off by a half second or a quick whistle. Blake was on fire after missing game 1 this morning and almost scoring on a beautiful rush this afternoon. It is nice to see the confidence level improving and the kids stepping out of their comfort zone. This is how they will develop and get to the next level. Keenan Mayer played outstanding on defense in game 2,3 and 4 after playing forward all season he played great for us. Great job holding the line Keenan! Deacon also did a fantastic job in game 1 on defense and helped keep our opponent off the scoreboard. Zachary Jackson made his presence known with some great hustle and engaged in the play as much or more than ever today. Zachary has added 5 assists to his stats this season in the last two weeks. Great job Zachary. Our scorers have really pulled through today with a total of 27 goals for in 4 tournament games verses 6 goals against. Casey, Caden, Deacon, Morgan and Bryce were all on the score card today. Noah and Keenan scored from their spot on defense today. High fives go out to Ben and Blake, they did great work helping to keep the puck out of our net. Eric McDonald played fantastic today, especially in game 3 where he made some key saves at important times to keep the game under control.
Our Heart & Hustle Awards went to Casey Bridgewater-game 1 (4 goals), Bryce Carruthers-game 2 (2 goals), Morgan Butlin- game 3 (2 goals) and Eric McDonald (Game 4- solid in net in all games!)
If that wasn't enough fun, the kids had the opportunity to view the Stanley Cup and Hockey Hall of Fame at Lambeth Arena this afternoon. If any parents have a photo they would like to share please email them to me and I will post them in a new photo album on our team website tomorrow. This coach is a bit too tired to do it tonight :-) Great job cougars...looking forward to Parkhill this weekend!