Jan 10, 2013 | Mike Steele | 888 views
Who's ready for a little Motown !!
Nothing like a little original Motown music to get us pumped up for our second tournament of the year next weekend. I just received our schedule and Detroit will be hearing our Cougars growl !!!
There are 7 teams in the tournament and I am trying to find out where they are all from but it looks like some fierce competetion. We will have to bring our A game to advance but the way the kids have played lately I am excited. Our first game is at 1:30 on the Friday and I would like the kids there 1 hr before game time to sign into the tournament. Please leave extra time for the border as it is auto show weekend in Detroit. Our first 2 games are at the Icebox and there will be a map and address of the arenas on the website once I enter the games
Game 1 Friday 1:30pm vs Flint Icelanders at the Ice Box
Game 2 Sat 10:40 am vs Easton Youth Hockey Blackhawks
Game 3 Seeding game on Saturday depending on where we finish 1 gets a bye, 2 V 7 3 V 6 4 v 5 at Icebox or Dearborn University 4:30pm
Game 4 Semi Finals if we win our seeding game or finish first 7:30am Sunday morning ( ouch )
Game 5 Finals if we win our semi final or consoloation final 1:10 or 2:20pm at the icebox
I hope everyone is getting pumped up, the 7 teams are us, Flint, Easton Youth Hockey ( Ghanna Ohio ) NW Admirals "A" and Red team ( Glen Ellyn Illinois ) , North Toronto and Eagles ( not sure where they are from?)
Coach Mike