Jan 15, 2019 | Mark Emerick | 570 views
Game 18 (The one I almost forgot :-)
Yup, age must be slowly creeping up on me. I almost forgot to post a recap for our 18th game of the season. The truth is....
this game against the Aylmer Red squad is for the most part very forgettable.......
The exception being a stretch of 8 seconds late in the first period when Carson scored twice on the same shift. The first goal came at 3:29 assisted by Paolo Casavecchia and Ben Watson (Unofficial). Yes Ben and Paolo both claim Ben got the 2nd assist but only Paolo is listed on the game sheet with the assist. Sorry Ben, no points for your unofficial assist. The 2nd goal was 8 seconds later at 3:21 when Carson went straight for the net and went bar down to put us up by two. I call this an adrenaline goal and it was unassisted. Unfortunately, that was the end of our scoring in the game.
Aylmer opened their scoring almost a full period of hockey later at the 2:16 mark of the 2nd period. It was all downhill in the 3rd as Aylmer scored 3 more unanswered goals and winning the contest by a score of 4-2. We played ok for the first half the game but Aylmer won most of the battles and worked harder in the last half.
We just have two regular season games left then playoffs and our final tournament coming in February in Windsor. Let's dig deep and finish strong! GO COUGARS GO!
Trainer Pat
P.S. I'll try not to forget anymore write-ups :-) Sorry for the delayed post.