Aug 17, 2016 | Millar Nicol | 744 views
Off Ice Sessions
Hey team please note I have added some events for September - until we get a regular schedule (which probably won't happen until after all the boys tryouts are complete) we will be doing some team-building-dryland events.
For now I will host them and we will be doing some cross-country running and working with some natural elements for strength and also we can do some shooting in the barn (this may be a good workout for your second stick that never gets used). Also we will be doing some team white-board work so we can all be on the same page early.
We may change venues later/or modify schedule as we get more ice and if these are well received we may continue as long as weather permits.
Keep in mind these are out-door activities and be ready to get dirty. Unless it gets to cold, we will go rain or shine. Bring a towel and some water - if it's damp you may want a towel for the car-ride home too.
Coach Millar