May 13, 2016 | Millar Nicol | 983 views
Update May 13
Hi Girls and parents..great effort last night.
We were really encouraged to see the talent and work ethic on display.
Reminder that girls need to attend at least one skate, if dismissed by doctors note, then they can still be eligible.
Anyone who may be new and wanting to come out for our last skate - please contact me directly via text at 519-671-8282. We would still welcome players as we owe it to the team to see everyone we can see.
We expect one more skate (hopefully next week - still sorting out with the association and ice availability - and working around long weekend) which will be an inter-squad skate. After that we will be making selections.
After selections we will be having an off-ice team event before we break for the summer.
So everyone is aware we had four people evaluating the girls last night. Myself (from the bench), Len (our associate coach), Jim and John. Jim is a Blue Water Bantam coach. John is from Tillsonburg and coached Senior AA for ten years, including three provincial champions and a silver medal team. Their banners were hanging in the arena last night. I think it is important to have the views of people not connected to the team.
Keep your stick on the ice.
Coach Millar