Sep 16, 2019 | Mike Bryans | 974 views
Parent Meeting, Team Staff and Dressing Room Policy
We will be having a parent meeting before this Sunday's practise (Sept 22nd). Please ensure at least one parent for each child is able to attend. Please be there 30 minutes before the practice so we can start promptly. We will going over team goals for the season, potential tournaments, volunteer roles needed for the team, and reviewing the team budget.
Team Staff
Coach - Curt Yost
Coach - Mike Bryans
Assistant Coach - Tyler Gil
Assistant Coach - Bill Haklander
Trainer - Al Arnold
On-ice helper - Ryan Schipper
Manager - Jeff Banting
For those who played with coach Curt and myself last season we will be running with the same dressing room policy. We ask parents to simply drop their child off in the dressing room and the coaching staff will ensure all skates are tied and helmets are done up. Parents are also asked not to enter the dressing room after practise or games.
Looking forward to a great season!!!