Welcome to U15 B Tryouts.
As we move through tryouts all communication will be found on this page.
Tryouts start tonight at 8:00pm. All tryouts are currently scheduled at Tri-Township
Arena. Players will be given a numbered pinny that is to be returned after each
tryout. There will be no roster updates until after session #3. The first
roster update will be added on September 11th.
Tryouts will be structured as follows:
September 9th 8:00pm to 9:00pm
Session #1 Skills and Drills – 8:00pm to 8:25pm
Intersquad Game – 8:25pm to 8:50pm
September 10th 8:00pm to 10:00 pm
Session #2– Skills and Drills 8:00pm to 8:30pm
Session #3 – Intersquad Game 8:30pm to 9:50pm
September 13th 7:15pm to 845pm
Intersquad Game
September 14th 5:00 pm to 6:30pm
Exhibition Game vs St Thomas Stars @ Tri-Township Arena
September 15th 7:15pm to 8:45pm
Exhibition Game vs St Thomas Stars @ Joe Thornton Arena
I’m looking forward to seeing everyone on the ice tonight, good luck to all.