Sep 12, 2022 | Terry Whelan | 923 views
U15 Rep Tryout update #3
The boys played a great game tonight and are making my decisions very tough. I loved the fight they showed tonight. The is the hardest part of coaching.
The following players are moving on in the tryout process. If your name is not on the list, I thank you for your efforts and sincerely hope that you have a great season. Please report to the AE Tryouts beginning Saturday September 17 at 6:00pm'
If your name is in Bold, you will be dressing in the game on Wednesday September 14th in St. Mary's.
Jackson Sloan
Logan Antolak
Luka Jurcic
Cameron Rudy
Henry Scott
Carson Toole
Ryan Hooper
Anthony Gartly
Hudson Campbell
Andrew Boyko
Izaak Schipper
Brahm Johnson
Lucas Kent
Jakob Doxator
Sean Whelan
Joe Messeroll
Vance Glanville
Braeden MacLeod
Oliver White
Please arrive 45 minutes prior to game time. For those not dressing, you are not required to attend the game but feel free to if you choose!