Sep 02, 2018 | Denny Smith | 1527 views
Game 1 Roster
The following players are playing in the first exhibition game against Strathroy.
Owen Pope
Eric MacDonald
Aiden Sinclair
Roch Lucier
Logan Doxtator
Zander Wagler
Dylan White
William McEachren
Sam Stewart
Carson Kechego
Caleb McGowan
Brady Dawson
AJ Duffy
Michael Duffy
William Stewart
Jack Stafford
James Hipple
Game time is 8:10 pm, please be at the arena 45 mins prior to game time. For those players who are not asked to play you are welcome to attend and watch the game. If you are not playing please do not come near or into the dressing room.
Going forward players will be released after each exhibition game this week.