Oct 09, 2017 | Mark Emerick | 745 views
Parent Meeting
Hello Parents and Players of Atom Gold!
Welcome to another season of hockey! We're looking forward to a great year of developing skills and having fun!
Coaching Staff:
Head Coach: Mark Emerick
Assistant Coaches: John Cordeiro, Kelly De Lancey
Trainer: John Vandeloo
Team Manager: Jamie Kopal
Player Rep: Darcy Snake
As of now, we ask the following:
1. Code of Conduct Form to be returned.
2. Medical Form to be completed and returned.
3. $100 Volunteer Cheque (to be given to Darcy) whether you've already volunteered or not. Cheque payable to Mt. Brydges & District Athletic Association and post dated to April 1, 2018.
4. $200 cheque payable to Mt. Brydges Atom Gold. This represents team costs for tournaments, etc. Any excess at the end of the year will either be disbursed or used for the benefit of the kids (i.e. party).
We are trying to get into three tournaments this season. Two local, and one overnighter. We will keep you updated as these are confirmed.
Any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to let us know.
We all look forward to a great season! Go Gold!