Sep 06, 2017 | Zack Vandertuin | 1256 views
Roster Update
I saw some nice heads up play, passing, positional play and good effort. Best of luck to all who are moving on to the Atom AE Tryouts! Please check website for dates and times.
The players listed below will play on Thursday Sept. 7 at 7:05pm at the Gemini Sportsplex vs. Strathroy.
The names with a * beside will be dressing for the game.
N Charron *
E Clubb *
G Hern *
M Lange*
R Lucier *
L Luis *
I March
E Mayer
Z McKellar *
J Messeroll *
C Moore *
D Persichetti *
B Pfaff *
N Philion *
O Pope *
J Sloan*
J Stafford
L Temple *
Z Vander Tuin *
Q Wardell *
Please arrive at least 40 minutes prior to the game for a warmup, and bring a water bottle. For those not dressing attendance is not mandatory, but you are encouraged to come to the dressing room 5 minutes before game time and stay to cheer your friends on.