Aug 31, 2017 | Zack Vandertuin | 1384 views
First Roster List
First Roster List
After hard deliberations, congratulations goes out to the following players asked to continue in the tryout process.
N Charron
E Clubb
J De Lancey
R Georgeson
G Hern
M Lange
R Lucier
L Luis
L Maddeford
I March
E Mayer
Z McKellar
J Messeroll
C Moore
D Persichetti
B Pfaff
N Philion
O Pope
A Schembri
J Sloan
J Stafford
L Temple
Z Vander Tuin
Q Wardell
Those that will be dressing for the game against Strathroy on Wednesday September 6 will be listed after the goalie evaluations on Tuesday September 5.
To those of you released keep working hard and never give up. Good luck at the Atom AE tryouts. Please see website for the tryout schedule.