Sep 18, 2016 | Ron Horvat | 1560 views
Final Roster Midget Rep 2016/17 Season
Thankyou everyone for trying out for the Rep team this season. With the number of players, alot of close decisions had to be made. Everyone worked hard right until the end. There will be players added to the AP Rep roster after the midget AE team is finalized. The Rep team will be made up of 9 forwards,6 defence and 2 goalies. Here is your roster...
Cain Grosbeck,
Ben Horvat,
Jacob Lave,
Liam Madill,
Evan Nugent,
Nathan Pawlowski,
Matthew Rombouts,
Noah Bruinink,
Shane Wuytenburg,
Jacob Anderson,
Austin Crouch,
Blake Griffiths,
Tyler O'neil,
Taylor Toth,
Zack Persin,
Ben Berfelz,
Jack Pedlow.