Sep 10, 2016 | Willy Flegel | 1474 views
Exhibition games
Great start guys. Here are the lists for Sunday and Monday games. 45 minutes before game time would be appreciated. Sorry forgot the goalies but they are here now!!
Sunday@ 6:20pm Gemini Sportsplex
Will Graham
Andrew Lindsay Michael Elliott
Eric Hackel Tim Hey
Chinodin McGahey-Albert Jacob March
Darius McGahey-Elijah Keegan Ireland
Liam Luis Cary Kechego-Wojtkows
Devin Highfield Memphis Deleary
Kole Hunter Will Anderson
Hunter Riley Owen Elijah
Monday@ 7:00pm Tri-Township
Brandon Davidson Jacob March
Will Graham Keegan Ireland
Jesse Hill Cary Kechego-Wojtkows
Andrew Lindsay Brett Hill
Eric Hackel Will Anderson
Chinodin McGahey-Albert Memphis Deleary
Darius McGahey-Elijah Liam Luis
Devin Highfield
Griffin Timmermans Nathan Marshall