Oct 05, 2016 | Rick Lambert | 1217 views
NOVICE RED Parents...we've been successful in securing a spot in 3 GREAT Novice tournaments and a Parent / Player Game (birthday party)!!...here are the dates to mark on your calendar in addition to our ice time updates!
1. October 22nd - Parent / Player Game - Strathroy arena 5-6pm - pizza party after!
2.November 18th
- 20th
……West Lorne
3.December 27th
– 30th …….Strathroy
4. February 17th
- 19th …….. Windsor (we are looking into hotel for team)
See you at the rink for our practice Thursday 5pm at MB Arena and our Sat morning Pre-Turkey skate at 8:15 am at Komoka arena!!