Sep 24, 2015 | Sean Persin | 1577 views
Midget AE Final Roster
Wow! Big Game Big Efforts!
First of all I'd like to thank the players for their hard work and great effort during our tryouts. Hold your heads high you have made these last few decisions very hard. I would take you all if I could. For the players not on the list I wish you all the best in your upcoming season.
I'd like to introduce the players on the Mt Brydges Cougars Midget AE Hockey Team
Roland Acheson
Alex Hopkins
Micheal Rowe
Adam Lindsay
Sheldon Timmermans
Harrison Sayers
Taylor Maddock
Zach Persin
Keaghan Jenney
Drew Neely
Nathan Pawlowski
Jakob Cornelius
Jacob Vanderelst
Joel Lazenby
Derek Holman
Noah Bruinink
Jack Pedlow
Congrats! Our first practice is Friday Sep 25 9pm Mt Brydges
See you at the rink!
Coach Sean