Sep 22, 2015 | Karen Decker | 1106 views
Tentative: Novice Red Roster
Please find below the Tentative Roster for the Novice Red Team. Please bring your skater to the next Novice Red ice time on
Thursday, September 24 - 6:00PM in Komoka. At this time, the teams will play a game in order to ensure that the teams are as even as possible. After the game, check the team website for Final Roster notification.
Jack Lambert
Jackson Emmerick
Kelly Macleod
Colton Wilson
Emma Tiano
Joel Delaney
Jack Zebregts
Blane Powless
Jayden Fones
Jackson Sloan
Colton Cordiero
Brady Lind
Cole Hampson
Gregory George
Soreyn Snake Singh