Nov 24, 2014 | John Cordeiro | 1144 views
West Lorne Tournament Champions!!!
Congratulations Atom White on winning the West Lorne Tournament Sunday.
After games against tough competition from Oakville, Caledonia and Lincoln, you made the semi's with 2 last minute goals against Lincoln. An exciting 4-3 overtime semi-final win vs Strathroy, just 55seconds away from shootout, set up a rematch with Lincoln in the Finals. Leading 5-4 in the third with Lincoln's goalie pulled, you managed to defend the barrage of shots and add an empty net goal to win your second straight Tournament Championship!!
Your Coaches are proud and impressed with your hard work and perseverance...
Hats off to your strong competition. Almost every team came into this tournament with undefeated or 1 loss records. Congrats to your tournament MVP puck recipients, Rain, Carson, Jack, Jacob and Luka. FYI are one player away from having everyone on the team score at least one goal this season and it's only November!! Great Job! A very fun team bonding weekend!
Special thanks again to the loud cheering section, especially our Cougar Moms all wearing jerseys to support the team. What's next pom-poms and painted faces?? Go Cougars!
Coach John