Aug 30, 2013 | Scott Lave | 1212 views
Bantam Rep Season Plan
Bantam rep 2013/14
Collingwood - Oct.18 - 20 -$900
Strathroy - Nov. 8 - 10 - $950
SSE Wild (London) - Nov. 29 - Dec. 1 - $975
East Lambton Silver Stick - Jan. 1 - 5 - $750
Team budget will be:
Tournaments - $3575 / 14 players = 255.35
Possible off ice training -$5 / player / session - 1 session / 2 weeks
Additional costs such as extra ice, playoff expenses and
International Sliver Stick may arise but could be offset with fundraising.
Philosophy and player expectations:
The game of hockey is meant to be enjoyed and I want this team to have a great year. Coach and player focus will be on individual skill,conditioning and team concepts. The players will be challenged each and every time on the ice so focus and 100% effort will be expected. As well as physical demands, there will be mental demands to learn numerous aspects of the game that will move us forward as a team. These aspects include breakouts, defensive zone coverage, offensive zone attack, transition and creativity. Playing time in key games will be based on the players preparation and effort at meeting coaches and team expectations.
Team staff will be appointed after the team has been selected and that will include two assistant coaches, one trainer and a backup trainer, parent rep and a manager. The manager position will be crucial as I hope to step away from the day to day team functions and focus solely on coaching. The manager will be responsible for being primary team contact, delegating fund raising duties, booking exhibition games, Ice times, game sheets, team activities, hotels, buses as well as liaison between parents / parent rep and coach.
I will be looking for dedicated players who enjoy the game of hockey and are willing to do the work to become a team.
Scott Lave, Bantam Rep Coach