Dec 09, 2012 | Jarod Moorhouse | 906 views
It wasn't meant to be....
Well the boys started the weekend off with a game against Listowell, winning 4-2. And then a win against Tavistock 4-3.
On Saturday the boys played their 3rd game against league rival Strathroy. It was a hard faught battle but the Cougars came up short and lost 4-3. With having a points system at this tournament. We had enough points to finish 2nd and moving us on into the semi finals on Sunday.
On Sunday we faced another league rival in Ilderton. The Cougars played hard and never gave up right through to the final buzzer. But the score was Ilderton 4, and Mt.Brydges 1. Eliminating us from the tournament.
I am very proud of the boys for their effort this weekend and also showing class and respect to their opponents. Its tuff to show composure when you are busting your butt and things just don't go your way. Crap happens!!!
I told them all, even though it feels like the world has come to an end. It hasn't. You will still go home, go to bed and wake up tomorrow just in time to go to SCHOOL!! Then all you heard was sigh's.
Good game boys!!
Be ready to redeam yourselves against Strathroy on Tuesday.