Mar 10, 2012 | Jarod Moorhouse | 1559 views
Our Run, Is Done!!!
After being down, 5 points to 1 after the first 3 games. The cougars rallied back with 2 wins to tie the series in points 5 to 5 and to force a game 6.
In game 6, the Pelham team showed the persistance in pursuing the puck. It was what they needed to do to defeat the cougars 5-0 and finalize their spot in the OMHA finals.
Hats off to Pelham for a great, hard faught series.
I want to thank all the parents and fans that showed up to cheer us on this weekend.
But mostly, I want to let the kids know how proud myself and the coaching staff are of them. To rally back and force a game 6. Was absolutely incredible. I have never had stress like that.
You played as a team and you should all hold your heads high.
You've shown great respect to your opponents, teamates and coaches over the coarse of the season. And that, I cannot teach. It comes from home. Thats you parents.
So parents, thanks for being at every practice and every game. For being there for each other in good and tough times this year and being supportive of your kids.
Its sad that it is over but as I tell all the kids before each game. No mater the score, we will all go home after this, go to bed and get up in the morning. The sun will shine, and yes you will have to go to school. So play your hardest and leave it on the ice. Have no regrets after the game is done.
Our teams motto this year was just this:
Work hard every shift
Work hard every period
Work hard every game.
If you do this, we will be successfull. AND THEY DID JUST THAT!!
Your a great bunch of kids, thanks for the wonderfull season and best of luck next year.
Coach Jarod