2021-2022 Coach Selections, News (Mt Brydges Minor Hockey)

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Jul 27, 2021 | M.B.D.A.A. | 972 views
2021-2022 Coach Selections
We would like to thank everyone who showed interest and applied for a coaching position for the upcoming hockey season.

The board has approved the following Rep and AE coaches for U11 through to U18. 

U18 Rep - TBD
U18 AE - Denny Smith
U15 Rep - Joey Brogno
U13 Rep - Mario Schembri
U13 AE - Alan Bruno
U11 Rep - Curt Yost
U11 AE - TBD

Congratulations to those who were selected!

Coaches for local league and U9 & below will be announced sometime in August. We are still in need of coaches for U18 Rep, U11 AE and various local league divisions. Please reach out to Jerry Leyten ([email protected]) if you are interested in coaching at one of these levels. 

Thank you,
M.B.D.A.A Coaching Committee 