May 08, 2021 | M.B.D.A.A. | 1292 views
Tri Township Arena
MBDAA families,
As some of you may already know Strathroy-Caradoc is in the process of planning it’s recreation needs for the years to come.
A report has been submitted by Nustadia Consulting with recommendations that directly affect Mount Brydges Minor Hockey, please find the report below.
Nustadia Report
One of the recommendations is the decommissioning of Tri Township arena and not replacing it with a new facility, which would make us as a hockey association without a home. We as a board along with partner stakeholders in Tri Township are in contact with Strathroy-Caradoc regarding the issue of not replacing the arena. As stated in the report Tri Township is at the end of its life expectancy which unfortunately leaves out any hope of saving the current rink.
We strongly encourage all families to voice their thoughts and concerns politely and in a professional manner via email to Strathroy-Caradoc CAO Fred Tranquilli, Mayor Joanne Vanderheyden, Deputy Mayor Brad Richards and all councillors.
Thank You,
The MBDAA Board