Mar 29, 2021 | M.B.D.A.A. | 1019 views
UPDATE - Cougar Hockey in the Red Zone
Cougar Players & Families,
We are now able to let everyone know how we will be proceeding as our region moves into the Red zone on March 30th, 2021.
Please see the updates below and how we are adjusting to ensure hockey continues for our players.
- We are allowed 10 skaters and 2 coaches on the ice at one time
- Coaches will decide how they wish to divide up their teams and they will communicate this out shortly
- Our scheduler is working hard to ensure that the ice times given are applicable for certain age divisions to continue to work on developing their skills
- All players need to arrive at the arena FULLY dressed as dressing rooms are no longer available at any arena
- We are able to have 2 off-ice volunteers this includes skate tiers and COVID reps
- There will be NO games or scrimmages permitted
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we try to navigate this time, our goal is to continue to keep the players on the ice in a safe and nurturing environment for as long as possible. If you have any questions about any of the above, please reach out to your players convener.