Mar 04, 2021 | M.B.D.A.A. | 1386 views
Gearing up for Season 2!
We are all beyond excited to get back to playing hockey together.
Before you or your player steps on to the ice here are a couple of reminders.
1. Please complete the COVID screener the day that you or your child is on the ice.
2. Each team will have a COVID rep that will check to ensure that each person entering the facility has completed their screener.
3. If you are entering the arena to tie skates you need to complete a COVID screener for yourself as well.
4. There are absolutely no spectators at either arena
5. If you are tying skates you must exit the arena once you have completed this task
6. Each skater must come with their own water bottle with their name on it.
7. There will be changerooms available 15 minutes prior to the start of your ice time
This season will start on Saturday March 6th and run until Sunday May 16th.
See everyone at the arena this weekend!