Sep 26, 2020 | M.B.D.A.A. | 1550 views
Updates from the Arena
We have had two successful skates now and from that we have learned a few things that we need our Cougar Community to know.1. Please make sure you have completed the COVID screener maximum 3 hours before for anyone that is entering the arena. If you are coming in to tie up skates then a COVID screener needs to be completed for you as well.
2. Please ensure that the Rowan's law form has been completed for ALL of your hockey players, this needs to be completed on an annual basis.
3. Once the skaters are off of the ice, coaches will take the kids back to the changeroom, help them take their skates off and then bring them out to their parents with the help from the conveners. Please remind your children that they will not be getting undressed in the change room and that process will happen in the parking lot with you or at home.
4. Once you have tied your child's skates you will need to wait in the change room until the last group has left the arena. You will be notified when it is ok for your child to take the ice. Once they are on the ice you will need to leave the arena but stay close by in the event that we need to get a hold of you.
5. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered their time already to help us get things up and running smoothly. There will be more upcoming volunteer opportunities available including some new roles like a COVID rep.
Please remember to check the website frequently for updates, it was so great seeing the kids out on the ice this morning.