Once again we are very excited to be offering Goalie Clinics to all our Mount Brydges net minders!
Future Pro will once again be providing this training.
The costs will be divided between all the registered goalies.
The dates of the clinics will be as follows:
Oct 3rd, 17th, 31st
Nov 14th, 28th,
Dec 12th,
Jan 2nd, 16th, 30th,
Feb 13th.
and they will be held in the Komoka Arena at 4:15pm.
We will also need a minimum of 10 kids in the bantam or midget divisions to be our shooters. High-school volunteer hours will be provided.
Goalies and volunteer shooters should e-mail me ([email protected]) to confirm shooter attendance and goalie registration.
Looking forward to seeing you all out on the ice!!