OMHA Respect in Sport Parent Program, News (Mt Brydges Minor Hockey)

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Aug 10, 2016 | Marc Decosse | 2784 views
OMHA Respect in Sport Parent Program
Hello MBDAA Hockey Families,

Hockey starts next month………we hope you are ready for another exciting season! 

This note is being posted to remind you that you must complete the OMHA Respect in Sport Parent Program before the start of the season.  It includes all players from Mite to Midget and both Local League and A/AE players.  

This is a mandatory OMHA program and MBDAA will not be able to allow a player to participate who does not have at least one parent that has completed the program.

Please note – you only have to complete the program once, you do NOT have to complete it on an annual basis.  If you completed it before the start of last season, you do NOT need to complete the program again.   This is only for new players or players, that for some reason, did not complete it last year. The Online program will take about an hour and has a cost of about $12 to complete.

You can read more about the Respect in Sport program at our website at;

You can login and begin the program at;

If you have already completed the Respect in Sport Parent Program…………..Thank you! 

If you have any questions, please let me know.

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