Coaching Feedback Form, News (Mt Brydges Minor Hockey)

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Apr 05, 2016 | Karen Decker | 1179 views
Coaching Feedback Form
The Coaching Feedback Form can be accessed via the link on the main page.  We encourage all MBDAA families to reflect on the season and provide us with objective feedback.  This feedback is used to help evaluate the season and will be used when evaluating applicants for next season.  A few notes about the form.  

  • This form provides a way for MBDAA players and families to provide objective and anonymous feedback on their Coaches and Bench Staff for the current season.
  • It provides the Coaching Selection Committee with feedback to use when evaluating applicants for next season.
  • It gives the MBDAA Board of Directors a measure on how successful our our Coaching selections were for the current season.
  • You are required to enter your name for validation purposes or your feedback will be discarded.  
  • Only the Web Administrator receives the initial feedback form.  The names are then stripped off the electronic forms and provided anonymously to the Coaching Selection Committee when the time comes.
  • Deadline for submitting Coaching Feedback is April 30, 2016

Please take the time to reflect on the season and complete the form for all your bench staff.  Your feedback is very important to the Board.

Click link - Coaches Feedback Form
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