Thank-you!, News (Mt Brydges Minor Hockey)

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Apr 16, 2015 | Karen Decker | 1384 views
On behalf of Mt Brydges District Athletic Association, we would like to thank Jason Timmermans and Mark Muscutt for their service to the organization over the past few years.  Their service on the Board comes to an end on April 30, 2015.

Jason Timmermans has served on the Board for 6 years in a variety of roles including Parent Rep for 1 year, Equipment Rep for 2 years, Treasurer for 2 years and Lambton-Middlesex Local League Convener for his final year.  Jason’s experience on the Board in so many roles will be missed.

Mark Muscutt has served on the Board for 3 years as Coach Convener for 2 years and as President for his final year.  Mark’s hard work and dedication to the association will be missed.

Both have volunteered countless hours of their time to make Mt Brydges a great association for our kids to play hockey.  Both have also been very active with coaching in our organization and we look forward to their continued involvement.  Please join us in thanking them the next time you see them.

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