UPDATE: Novice International Silverstick, News (Mt Brydges Minor Hockey)

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Jan 24, 2015 | Karen Decker | 879 views
UPDATE: Novice International Silverstick
The Novice Rep and Novice AE teams crossed the border into Michigan on Friday.  They have been battling hard in the St. Clair Shores International Silver Stick tournament.

Both teams are having fun and making the Mt. Brydges Cougars proud! 

The Novice Rep kids have played 3 exciting games of hockey.  The kids and coaches started today with a 7:00AM game. It was this early morning win that advanced them into the quarter-finals tonight at 7:00PM.

The kids on the Novice AE team have been playing hard and are celebrating a 2-0-1 record. They are through the round robin and into the Semi-finals tomorrow morning ... at 7AM!  It will be a very early curfew tonight :-)

These teams are doing a great job at representing the Mt. Brydges Cougars.  Good luck tonight and tomorrow!  We are cheering for you!!!

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