Bingo Coordinator Needed, News (Mt Brydges Minor Hockey)

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Sep 04, 2014 | Karen Decker | 728 views
Bingo Coordinator Needed
Mount Brydges Minor Hockey is looking for a Bingo Coordinator to head up our Bingo fundraising. Bingo is a very important fundraiser for our association as it helps to offset ice costs and keep registration fees down. The Bingo Coordinator is responsible for the following. 

- Arranging and tracking volunteers
- balancing funds at each bingo
- updating the Board of directors on bingo operations
- attending semi-annual meetings at the bingo hall.

Estimated time involved: approximately 5 hours per month for the bingos.  Registration credits are also earned for each bingo worked ($35 per bingo). This position is not a board position but a 'staff' position reporting to the board. 
The bingo coordinator is provided with a yearly gate pass for all home games. This position also fulfills all requirements for volunteer hours. 

Upcoming Bingo Dates:
September 2, 2014
October 8, 2014
November 16, 2014
January 1, 2015
February 9, 2015

If you are interested or would like to more information, please contact our Volunteer Hours Coordinator - Rich Sinclair. Click this link for contact information - Executive & Staff

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