Tryout Selection Process, News (Mt Brydges Minor Hockey)

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Jun 19, 2014 | Karen Decker | 1769 views
Tryout Selection Process
Hello Mt Brydges Hockey Families,

For the upcoming 2014-15 Hockey Season, the team selection process will be changed to a process whereby the Head Coach will select the players.  This reflects a change in the selection process that has been used for a number of years. The Board did not take this decision lightly.  We have discussed the merits of our previous process and a simple coach selection process with many parents and coaches over the past month.  We have debated the pro’s and con’s in both processes over the past few Board meetings.  Ultimately those discussions led to a Board vote where the decision was made to move to a coach selection process.  

Those Board Members who have been chosen to coach a team for the upcoming season were able to share their comments in the Board discussion, but refrained from voting on the issue due to a conflict of interest.

The Tryout process will still have the same tryout fee’s and number of ice times per age group that it has had in previous years.  Head coaches will be required to bring in a minimum of two evaluators to assist them with their selection process.  The tryouts and selection process will still have a (non-parent) Board member assigned to each age group to oversee the process.

Should you have any questions or concerns about this change, please contact a Board Member to discuss.


Mt Brydges Hockey Board

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