Sep 13, 2013 | DMarshall | 999 views
PLEASE NOTE: Scheduling Changes for LL Evaluations
Please note we have adjusted the LL Evaluation listings due to changes in scheduling.
Local League Intrasquads now appear on the calendar as local games (i.e Novice Blue vs Novice Red). For those participating in Local League evaluations you must attend all of the scheduled times for your age group. No one has
been assigned to specific teams as of yet.
The players will be loosely sorted into large groups and pinny numbers will be assigned temporarily to help ensure final teams are divided equally. Where there are large numbers of players, squads will be rotated through a series of brief intraquad games so some squads will have to wait off ice until it is their turn to rotate back on. Where we have a large block of ice (Novice LL) the rotation will take place over 2 hours so players may be rotated on and off a number of times to ensure everyone has a chance to be seen. If you have any questions or concerns please contact your Division Conveynor