Aug 27, 2013 | DMarshall | 1307 views
Schedule Updated / Schedule Information
The second week of the schedule has now been added, please check the schedule regularly over the coming weeks as times may change during our tryout / evaluation period.
For those new to the association please be aware of the following:
PLEASE NOTE THAT NECK GUARDS AND MOUTH GUARDS ARE MANDATORY EQUIMENT for all Skaters for All Skates / Tryouts / etc. No one is to be allowed on the ice without all mandatory equipment. This applies to ALL age groups
For Tyke age players please refer to "Tyke Blue" times on the calendar to determine practice times until final Tyke teams are created and players assigned
For Mite players practice as a group and the time is almost always Saturday mornings at 8AM
All Other Teams are classified as either Competitive (Rep / AE) or Local League.
If you signed your child up for a tryout as part of your registration you must attend all Competitive Team tryouts for your child's age group. Please see the schedule to determine where you need to be and when. You will need to 'check in' for each scheduled tryout to be assigned a pinny number for the purposes of evaluations. Please be aware that the check in table can get very busy so there may be a wait to get pinny assignments. At the end of evaluations Final Rosters will be posted to the main Cougars page.
If you signed your child up for a basic registration (no tryout) you should attend the ALL Skates for your age group and you MUST attend the Intrasquads for Local League team sorting prior to team assignment.
Prior to Local League Team assignment all Local League practices / intrasquads are identified on the calendar as Team Blue until final teams are created (eg. Novice Local League practices, All Skates, Intrasquads, are listed under "Novice Blue" on the calendar).
Please also don't forget our Annual Welcome Back BBQ Friday Sept 6th. All players are invited to get back on the ice (see the schedule for times) and then get together with teammates new and old outside the arena for a BBQ.