Mar 26, 2013 | DMarshall | 1001 views
Coaches Feedback / Coaching Application Forms now active!
Our Coaches Feedback Form is now enabled on the website.
We encourage everyone to submit an evaluation for their Coach & Coaching Staff for the 2012-13 season. The form will be active until the end of April.
Your feedback is confidential and is reviewed by a non-Coach. The feedback is then incorporated anonymously when we are evaluating Coaching candidates for next season.
Also, we are now accepting Coaching Applications for next season.
Deadlines for submission are:
Girls Teams: April 1
Shamrock (Competitive) Teams: April 15
Local League Teams: August 31
Interviews for Girls Coaches will take place in April and Competitive Teams will take place in early May.
Coaches Applications are available online under the "About Us" tab on our webpage