Coaches Feedback Form posted, News (Mt Brydges Minor Hockey)

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Mar 27, 2012 | DMarshall | 1292 views
Coaches Feedback Form posted
The Coaches / Coaching Staff Feedback form has been added to the main menu (top of page). We are trying an online form in the hope that people find it easier to provide feedback and the feedback is easier to manage. 

Our old feedback form can still be printed off from MBDAACoachingStaffEvaluationForm2 and delivered to the white box in the Tri-Township Arena.

 A few notes:
Mite-to-PeeWee age responses are to be filled out by parents only
Bantam and above can be filled out by the players themselves or parents

The forms will be available online until the end of April so you can complete them anytime until then - you may wish to wait until your season has concluded as you can only complete them once. 

You can complete one form for each Coaching staff member you are evaluating but cannot submit more than one per staff member

You MUST identify yourself on the form or the form cannot be submitted
Completed forms will be reviewed and evaluated by a non-Coach Board Member

Please keep your feedback honest and objective 
