Jan 20, 2012 | DMarshall | 2094 views
AGM Update
Subject: News Flash -- MBDAA AGM held Weds. Jan 18th.
The 2011-2012 MBDAA Annual General meeting was held Wed Jan 18th, and had good attendance.
The following is a recap from Carl Kennes:
Many questions were fielded and healthy discussions took place.
The Board introduced the approved fee structure for next season and discussed vision for tackling several larger common issues raised last night and throughout this season so far. I would like to remind you that we are an organization operating mostly by the collective volunteer efforts of many within our membership. As Board volunteers, our goal is to provide equally for all and provide best value for all. In essence, "we do what do, for all the kids."
Another main objective for our AGM is to set up our cast of Board members for the 2012-13 season and beyond. At this time, I am pleased to welcome Fraser Hetherington and Scott Hubert who will become new Board members. I would also like to thank Mike Steele and Jason Timmermans for accepting nominations to continue to serve on the Board of Directors. Each of these condidates will officially begin their new 3 year term, starting in May 2012. On the outgoing side, both Marie Burt and Dean Johnson are currently in their 3rd year as Board members and have contributed greatly to our association. We will certainly miss their efforts and how they've exercised the additional knowledge they've gained during their terms which will expire April 2012. Please join me in thanking all the volunteers who make minor hockey organized, and better for the kids in our community.
Carl Kennes MBDAA President