Jul 10, 2011 | Mike Steele | 2940 views
Body Checking in Lambton/Middlesex Local League
The OHF has eliminated body checking from house league hockey. The Lambton/Middlesex Local League is not house league hockey.
Our league has yet to discuss the recent decision by the OHF and at this time, we are not scheduled to reconvene until the first of September. While the issue may seem straight forward to some, the league has other circumstances that their member centres need to consider. One being that smaller centres rely heavily on the AP system to form their competitive teams and this type of ban could and would likely impact a player’s ability to compete at different levels. We are also concerned with what the other regional leagues will decide, as it could affect our LMLL teams ability to compete and/or participate in various tournaments and for teams outside the LM league to participate in our own host tournaments.
The Lambton/Middlesex Local League will not be soliciting input from individual parents regarding body checking in the league. Should the league decide to entertain a motion on body checking, each of our 16 member centres has 1 vote and it will be their responsibility to cast the vote as representatives of their Association
Cindy Wade President, Lambton/Middlesex Local League Minor Hockey