Practices this weekend scheduled in Strathroy, News (Mt Brydges Minor Hockey)

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Nov 02, 2022 | M.B.D.A.A. | 640 views
Practices this weekend scheduled in Strathroy
Dear Cougar Players and Families,

Due to a tournament happening this weekend in Strathroy, any of our ice times that were originally scheduled to take place at West Middlesex Arena have been cancelled.  Our ice scheduler is working to move those ice times so please make sure that you are checking your teams schedule on the website frequently.

Now would be a great time, if you have not done so already, to subscribe to the calendar of the team that you or your child plays on.  You can do that by going to the team calendar > Full Calendar > Scroll to the bottom of the page > Click on SUBSCRIBE > Calendar Subscriptions > Choose the team from the drop down menu > Choose Reminder Alerts > Follow the instructions pertaining to the calendar that you wish to import the online calendar into.
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